1. Biological pest management: Whitefly Greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) and tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) are major pests in many vegetable and ornamental crops . Due to its high resistance to most insecticides, tobacco whitefly poses a particular threat to many crops . Damage symptoms • Larger larvae secrete honeydew while feeding, on which mold develops . Larvae also produce large amounts of wax on and around their dorsal surface . These substances soil the crop and reduce production and quality . • Both whitefly adults and larvae extract food from the plant . This influences the plant’s physiological processes, and can reduce growth . • Viruses may also be transmitted . Method of control Parasitic wasps: the female adult wasps parasitize the developing whitefly larvae . Predatory bugs: adults and nymphs actively search for whitefly larvae on which to feed . Solutions Delphibug • Predatory beetle Delphastus catalinae • Primary target: glasshouse/greenhouse and tobacco whitefly • Packaging: adults bottled with inert carrier material Enermix • Parasitic wasps: Encarsia formosa & Eretmocerus eremicus (combination product) • Primary target: glasshouse/greenhouse and tobacco whitefly in the 2nd till 4th larval stage • Packaging: parasitized whitefly pupae on cardboard strips En-Strip • Parasitic wasp: Encarsia formosa • Primary target: glasshouse/greenhouse and tobacco whitefly in the 3rd and 4th larval stage • Packaging: parasitized whitefly pupae on cardboard strips Ercal Parasitic wasps: the female adult wasps parasitize the developing whitefly larvae . Predatory bugs: adults & nymphs actively search for whitefly larvae on which to feed . • Parasitic wasp: Eretmocerus eremicus • Primary target: glasshouse/greenhouse and tobacco whitefly in the 2nd and 3rd larval stage • Packaging: parasitized whitefly pupae on cardboard strips or bottled with inert carrier material ‘ Koppert offers me good natural enemies and good advice. That really helps me.’ Mariusz Sałek, Cucumber grower, Poland 8
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